Sunday, July 12, 2015

Even More Cake.

Discrimination has many faces. Certainly today we are aware of same sex couples, gender. racial, ethnic and religious discrimination.. What we need is the lesson we all should have learned on the playground years ago: the art of getting along.
But what I have seen over the last thirty or so years is that we all have separated and divided ourselves into special interests groups. No longer are we the United State. Our Country is carved up and our unity and strength is watered down. It becomes democracy for the few the elite, the rich and powerful. Now all our differences are settled in court rather than with a handshake and a smile.
In this case we pitted two areas of discrimination same sex couples against religious. Because we had a winner someone lost and it ought to go against anyone who fights for antidiscrimination. We reach out seeking understanding and respect and got injustice and discrimination because one side or the other had to win or prove themselves right. No one choose to be the bigger man. Everyone involved chose to think of the other party as a lesser man. Humanity was the loser.
Many religious services and business believe they must give up their business and livelihood. Wedding cake video/photographer, wedding chapels and planners. Unexpected dropout in nonprofit religious adoption agencies. Sure other less experienced for profit agencies may fill the holes at additional cost.
The lesson on the playground was lost on us. There is no shaking of the hands no smile no one gained respect or bridged the gap of understanding.
Civil rights where doled out to black and women. Slavery enslaves the captive and the captor. This is why the Puritans fled Europe and the Jews too.
If the government is the arbitrator of all our differences we become a police state. If we can not get along and be the bigger man, we might as well see for ourselves the police state the nazis we have become. Favoring one special interest group over the other. Vying for the tidbits from the table of the few the powerful, the dictators which tell us which group it is ok to oppress now.
A little known fact . Jews where not the only group to taken to concentrations camps. Droves of Christians suffered the same fate. I stand by my brother because the next one they are coming for is me. Unite we Stand, Divided we Fall.
So be the bigger man look for the opportunities to walk a mile in someone else's shoes to gain wisdom and incite from the experience.

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