Thursday, May 5, 2011

Take a Breath of Freedom and Celebrate.

I have notice the guarded responses of my friends and the media over the last several days. I am troubled at the response to killing of a terrorist. Acting still afraid to think of a world without this murderer. This is an achievement and a momentus occassion. Victory over fear, terror and the resulting freedom must be celebrated. Lest we take on step forward and two steps back. We have forward mommentum lets capitalize on that. We have dealt terror a blow step forward for freedom.
Hear is were we stand. Justice is done. Terrorism must be confronted. Bullies must be stopped. The rule of law is the cradle of civilization. Freedom costs and this time especially dearly. It is a travisty of justice to think more about the terrorist, than the innocence and bravery we have lost. A terrorist and murderer faced his inevitable end- a violent death. Ending his life of luxury while it caused so much misery. The world is far better off, for the cold void of his absence. Foiling the plots and schemes of the wicked is a cause for celebration. Although going around with his head on a pike would be unbecoming for a civilization such as ours. Yet knowing this boggy man will not terrorize anymore or have opportunity to spread his evil ways is an accomplishment. Snake slither away, for your watery grave calls you.
This is a victory and in the days of old, a triumphal arch was erected celebrating the victory. I support an arch being erected at Ground Zero to celebrate the victory and as a cautionary tale to those who would think to take after his ways. America needs a symbol of victory, justice and freedom that terrorists find so offensive. United we stand, divided we fall. It is time we stand up for our freedom, hold our head up high for justice and proclaim our victory.
The only one that should be afraid in the night is a terrorist. The giant is awake. Terrorists are on edge and scared. Your time is approaching. You do not know the day or the hour the cold void reaches out for you.
He was jealous of our prosperity, he sought to steal our confidence. With his death we take back what he envied and what he sought to rob from us. Our properity and confidence returns to us and is strengthed. Democracy is spread in the face of these harsh years. Through the struggle and trouble bounds have been broken. The schemes of the wicked have failed.
The freedom they sought to remove from the world is changing regions of the world that have never had freedom. Democracy is seeping into places formally closed. There is much good that has come out of the bad times. We may still have enemies but we have forged new friendships we can continue to cultivate. It is not just a victory for the USA but for the whole world against terrorism. Let freedom ring!!!

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